A bit about Larry & Steel Health Centre
The Steel Technique™ is an energy harmonizing technique that works by clearing the body’s energetic system of blockages and interference’s so that your body’s inborn healing potential can be fully expressed. This technique is totally natural and non-invasive.
T.S.T.™ operates on the following basic beliefs:
The body has an inborn resistance to illness and disease and an ability to heal itself when ill.
If energy blockages are present, the body’s inborn control system or immune system is unable to do its job in the normal way.
The T.S.T.™ helps to clear the body’s energy blockages and allows the body to advance towards wellness.
Research has indicated the presence of energy fields around living organisms - including the human body - which are electromagnetic in nature. The fields are created in much the same way as an electrical current passing through a wire creates an induction field. T.S.T.™ works with these energy fields.
T.S.T.™ does not look at the body or systems as a disease process. Until recently, health was seen only in terms of being “disease free”. Yet this does not necessarily mean a body is functioning at its optimum level. T.S.T.™ practitioners see health as a state in which the body and all of its systems are functioning as close to 100% as possible and it does this by opening energy blockages to allow healing to take place.
A true healing composite consist of five elements;
a positive attitude,
healthy diet,
adequate rest,
exercise and
energetic body tuning
All of these elements contribute toward wellness and will further enhance the effectiveness of T.S.T.™. The path to wellness is an individual one and T.S.T.™ incorporates that philosophy into this method. It permits the practitioner to unfold the physical, emotional and spiritual story or layers of your life in a non-invasive manner. These are the main items that have affected your “being”.
Online booking for Current clients in-office only
If you are looking for distance work or are a new client please email or call our office and we will get you set up.